Power Generation

Ropepro provides inspection, maintenance and repair services to the thermal, hydro, gas and wind turbine energy generating sectors by utilising Industrial Rope Access techniques to maximise access, minimise disruption and downtime to operations.

Our proven ability to access areas traditionally perceived as inaccessible provides the power generation industry with significant cost savings and the ability to carry out tasks in a much shorter time frame minimising our impact to operations and other contractors.

From boilers, chimney stacks, dam walls, penstocks, wind turbines and rotor blades our skilled technicians will achieve results in a safe, cost effective and timely manner.

Petro-chemical Refining

Ropepro provides inspection, maintenance and repair services to petrochemical, refining, plastics and resins facilities. Through our skilled Industrial Rope Access Technicians ability to safely access the difficult areas that are often found with the constricted confines of petrochemical and hydrocarbon plant.

We can provide:

  • Process equipment and pipework replacement 
  • Silo/Vessel inspection, manintenance and cleaning
  • Non-Destructive testing and inspection of process equipment and structure
  • Welding, patching and repair
  • Cladding/Panel installation and replacment
  • Installation of temporary and permanent height safety systems

Ropepro removes the need for traditional scaffold, with it removing costs such as scaffold erection, certification and dismantling requirements which ensures our clients save time and money.

Our technicians are all qualified to IRATA or ARAA standards as well as Confined Space Entry, Breathing Apparatus, Safe Work at Height, and First Aid to ensure you have the most qualified Rope Access personal on site.

Buildings and Structures

Ropepro provides inspection, maintenance and repair services carried out to buildings, structures and civil infrastructure. Our technicians have a diverse range of skills and trade qualifications in addition to Industrial Rope Access Trade Association (IRATA) and Australian Rope Access Association (ARAA) qualifications.

Ropepro have experienced engineering resources and all services are carried out in accordance with relevant state Occupational Health and Safety Act’s, Regulations and Codes of Practice.

Our services include:

  • Window cleaning
  • Painting
  • Caulking
  • Glazing
  • Inspection
  • Pressure cleaning
  • Leak investigation and repair
  • Facade repair and rehabilitation
  • Concrete repair
  • Bird proofing and pest control 
  • Steep slope devegetation and natural resource managment

Please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss any site specific requirements you may need.

Stand By Rescue

Ropepro Rescue/Stand by technicians to our clients utilising highly trained and experienced personnel during Shut-downs or on going maintenance tasks. Ropepro has the capability to provide technicians to supervise and manage compliance in projects involving Confined Space Entry, Working at Height as well as preparing and implementing rescue plans and performing level first aid

All technicians are capable of performing:

  • A safety audit of the works and preparing detailed task specific rescue plans
  • Maintenance and use of Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA)
  • Design and implement technical rigging systems and extraction methods
  • Implementing task specific rescue plans
  • Patient injury assessment
  • Patient packaging and extraction
  • Basic life support

Ropepro Rescue/Stand by personnel can provide all necessary equipment for the Rescue/Standby role including, Tripods/Arachnipods, technical rigging equipment, personal protective equipment, atmospheric monitors, Self Contained Breathing Apparatus and first aid equipment.

All Ropepro Rescue/Standby personnel are experienced and competent in the implementation and use of permit systems for Confined Space and Working at Height and are capable of assisting our clients with their hazard identification and risk assessment procedures. Our personnel are working with our clients during the process every step of the way, we maintain a presence at the work site to ensure procedures are followed and ensure the safety of everyone involved.

Height Safety Systems

At Ropepro we supply appropriately trained staff to design, install and certify height safety systems in accordance with;

AS/NZS 1891.4:2009 -Industrial fall-arrest systems and devices-Selection use and maintenance

AS 1657-2013 Fixed platforms, walkways, stairways and ladders – Design, construction and installation

Engineered height safety system inspections including anchor points, horizontal life lines, ladders and walkways should not exceed 12 month intervals. These inspections should be carried out in accordance with the relevant Australian and New Zealand standards. All Ropepro height safety system installers are trained and accredited to meet all current legislative requirements.

Ropepro provide a written report and maintain a register of system componentry as part of any height safety inspection.

Any repairs or upgrades required to meet the appropriate standard will be identified in the report and/or tagged “Out of Service” if the height safety system is unsafe to use or does not meet the applicable standards.

A 12 monthly reminder to all Ropepro clients is sent when your height safety system recertification is upcoming. This ensures the safety of operators who use the system  as well as maintaining compliance to the relevant Australian standards.

Height Safety Consultation

The experience we have gained by providing Rope access solutions across a diverse range of projects since our inception has given us a unique advantage to offer a range of consultative services across various industries and sectors.

These services include:

  • technical projects at height or within confined spaces
  • height safety risk assessments
  • training needs analysis
  • rescue procedures and planning
  • permit issue, gas detection and risk management for confined space projects
  • PPE inspection and documentation
  • anchor point systems assessment and advice
  • installation of customised safety systems
  • difficult access solutions
  • rope access solutions
We have worked with many companies and statutory authorities as subject matter experts in the fields of height safety and safe access to civil infrastructure and also natural resources such as steep slopes and waterways.

We work with our customers to develop an understanding of their access needs and then develop an efficient and cost effective solution that works within the relevant legislative OH&S framework as well as satisfies the original needs of our customer.


Head Office

26/50 Hudsons Rd, Spotswood VIC 3015

(03) 9391 7159


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