by Adminropepro | Apr 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
VOLT WIND is a fall arrest and work positioning harness that is easily donned thanks to its EASYFIT design. A vest ensures the harness keeps its shape and the FAST automatic buckles (waistbelt and leg loop) allow the harness to be donned with both feet on the ground....
by Adminropepro | Apr 29, 2016 | Uncategorized
Ropepro High Access Services recently carried out the internal inspection and cleaning of a grease extraction riser shaft in Melbourne’s CBD with our good friends at Total Ventilation Hygiene. During this project, it was identified that there was no other safe form of...
by Adminropepro | Apr 21, 2016 | Uncategorized
Ropepro assisting #senvion with replacing a damaged anemometer. #ropeaccess #safety #professionalism #petzl #abseil #work #life #heightsafety #windfarm #workingatheight #ARAA #IRATA ##PPE #industrialropeaccess A photo posted by Ropepro High Access Services...
by Adminropepro | Mar 2, 2016 | Uncategorized
The peak body for the clean energy industry in Australia, The Clean Energy Council, has recently granted Ropepro High Access Services Pty Ltd associate Member Status. Ropepro believes strongly in the CEC’s advocacy for an effective policy and market framework for...
by Adminropepro | Feb 26, 2016 | Uncategorized
Ropepro recently carried out Roof and Gutter maintenance on the Blade Banners at one of Melbourne’s most iconic buildings, the Melbourne Museum. This project provided a challenge as there was no existing Height Safety system and the roof sheets and guttering...
by Adminropepro | Dec 18, 2015 | Uncategorized
Ropepro recently carried out the installation of reflective flags to a Meteo mast in regional Victoria to prevent birds nesting and damaging...